Job vacancies
Adoption East Midlands launched in 2019 as a collaborative venture between Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire councils to provide a regional adoption service. Adoption East Midlands provides all aspects of adoption recruitment, assessment, family finding, and the coordination of adoption support services. We are a successful child-focused service, making a real difference to the lives of children and adoptive families.
Current vacancies
Family worker
We are now seeking to recruit a motivated and passionate family worker to join our established home finding service, who will be key in supporting the matching of children with their adoptive families.
The successful applicant will be the allocated home finder for children with a plan of adoption from across the Adoption East Midlands region. This will involve creating individual profiles for the children and communicating with potential adoptive families and the professionals involved.
The role will involve all home finding activities, such as supporting with planned events and the learning and development of prospective adopters and others involved in a child’s adoption journey. The successful applicant will need to be able to work confidently and independently on behalf of the children but will be closely supported by a manager and a small team of experienced home finders. You will be directly supervised by the team manager of the home finding service.
For more information and to apply, please visit the Nottinghamshire County Council website: Family Worker - Nottinghamshire County Council
Adoption panel membership
We don't have any vacancies for panel members at this time however, we are driven to increase the diversity of our panels in respect of having a better mix of panel members from various ethnic origins. We welcome expressions of interest if you feel you can add value to our panels in this respect. You must also have recent relevant adoption experience.
For more information and to express interest, please email: PanelManagers.Adoption@adoptioneastmidlands.nottscc.gov.uk